Community Voice Projects

Is there a topic or issue that is important to you that you want to do something about? Whether it’s writing a letter to the Mayor or starting a Facebook campaign, USE YOUR VOICE to do something about the topic/issue that is important to you. 

The Community Voice Project encourages students to pick an issue that is affecting their community and to create a campaign that mobilizes others around the cause. Campaigns can range from letter-writing to video production and social media communications.

The Community Voice Project is driven by student interest and can take various forms:

  • Cypress Park Bikeways Initiative | This initiative started by connecting with the Bike Oven cooperative, which is across the street from the school. Through this connection, it became apparent that there is a wider community movement to get the city to create bike lanes around the school. The bike plan has already been approved by the city, but the local community needs to do some advocacy so that the initiative doesn’t get forgotten or overlooked. Since the approved future bike lanes are adjacent to Nightingale MS, support from the school would be of great help. The initial stage of this initiative was to generate a biking culture at the school; the D3 Lab coordinated the development of the Bike Zone mural as well as a bike workshop with local community experts. The next phase involves an increased level of advocacy on behalf of the Nightingale community. This may include letters, social media, etc.

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